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文登游戏网2023-11-22 12:51:37游戏攻略1人已围观







下图原是一幅静态JPEG照片,但是经过名为“Plotagraph Pro”的软件处理后,就变成这样不可思议又漂亮的 GIF,感觉有点像前两年大热的Cinemagraph软件

其实之前的Cinemagraph本身就是很近似的效果,但制作过程颇复杂,而且GIF图则是从影片撷图合成而来,至于这个由摄影师Troy Plota所创的软件,则强调更为简单,使用单一JPG就可以做到,还可以输出为GIF、MP4或MOV格式等,而介面上看来也很简洁︰



Graphs and Charts differ in the way they display and update data. VIs with Graphs usually collect

the data in an array and then plot the data on a Graph, similar to a spreadsheet that first

stores the data then generates a plot of it. In contrast, a Chart appends new data points to

those already in the display. In this manner, the Chart allows you to see the current reading

or measurement in context with data previously acquired. You can set the length of the Chart

History buffer (i.e., how many

points the Chart will remember and display) by right-clicking the Chart and selecting Chart

History Length from the shortcut menu.








ICA Citrix文件 |K

ICB Targa位图文件 )

ICC Kodak打印机格式文件 q \q

ICL 图标库文件 ^gp

ICM 图形颜色匹配配置文件 }-X

ICO Windows图标 Y')~

IDB MSDev中间层文件 8y

IDD MIDI设备定义 .q

IDF MIDI设备定义(Windows 95需要的文件) <c

IDQ Internet数据查询文件 e\K8

IDX Microsoft FoxPro相关数据库索引文件;Symantec Q&A相关数据库索引文件;Microsoft Outlook Express文件 6

IFF 交换格式文件;Amiga ILBM !}X

IGES 初始图形交换说明文件 T=*

IGF 插入系统元文件 $!3

IIF QuickBooks for Windows交换文件 s?f(

ILBM 位图图形文件 o

IMA WinImage磁盘映像文件 YUa([$

IMG GEM映像 xC(@

IMZ WinImage压缩磁盘映像文件 7-

INC 汇编语言或动态服务器包含文件 a{9<s!

INF 信息文件 #jy4e

INI 初始化文件;MWave DSP Synth的"nwsynth.ini" GMS安装;Cravis Ultrasound bank安装 %>TSom

INP Oracle 3.0疖蛟缙诎姹镜谋淼ピ创?# |P

INRS INRS远程通信声频 ;3Pi

INS InstallShield安装脚本;X-Internet签字文件;Ensoniq EPS字簇设备;Cell/ⅡMAC/PC抽样设备 q.kpG)

INT 中间代码,当一个源程序经过语法检查后编译产生一个可执行代码 qa8cD-

IOF Findit文档 83%

IQY Microsoft Internet查询文件 |+

ISO 根据ISD 9660有关CD-ROM文件系统标准列出CD-ROM上的文件 _GEsK

ISP X-Internet签字文件 <o

IST 数字跟踪设备文件 2Lw*A

ISU InstallShield卸装脚本 7;=

IT 脉冲跟踪系统音乐模块(MOD)文件 V

ITI 脉冲跟踪系统设备 x?L

ITS 脉冲跟踪系统抽样,Internet文档位置 c

IV Open Inventor中使用的文件格式 ^]\

IVD 超过20/20微观数据维数或变量等级文件 No,

IVP 超过20/20的用户子集配置文件 Cnr

IVT 超过20/20表或集合数据文件 2

IVX 超过20/20微数据目录文件 l?FmS

IW Idlewild屏幕保护程序 "=3

IWC Install Watch文档 )T

J62 Ricoh照相机格式 _i> am

JAR Java档案文件(一种用于applet和相关文件的压缩文件) M

JAVA Java源文件 I

JBF Paint Shop Pro图像浏览文件 -<D+>e


JMP SAS的JMPDiscovery表格统计文件 `K)tm

JN1 Epic MegaGames的Jill of the Jungle数据文件 Nk


JS javascript源文件 J7~[S

JSP HTML网页,其中包含有对一个Java servlet的参考 pKCD

JTF JPEG位图文件 )"lf

K25 Kurzweil 2500抽样文件 ex$CA


KDC Kodak光增强器 ,vW~O)

KEY DataCAD图标工具条文件 _Rw,

KFX KoFak Group 4图像文件 5y88rO

KIZ Kodak数字明信片文件 @*"7B0

KKW RoboHELP帮助工程索引设计器中与主题无关的K开头的所有关键字 G}

KMP Korg Trinity KeyMap文件 GO^.pO

KQP Konica照相机本地文件 c 5!Q-

KR1 Kurzweil 2000抽样(多软驱)文件 >

KRZ Kurzweil 2000抽样文件 yB>Z1

KSF Korg Trinity抽样文件 %Ur't'

KYE Kye游戏数据 !

LAB Visual dBASE标签文件 `F

LBM Deluxe Paint位图文件 Wd{.

LBT,LBX Microsoft FoxPro标签文件v~Fsi

2005-10-20 10:24:35 Li-Birch





注册:2005年9月21日第 2 楼


LDB Microsoft Access加锁文件 ZTm

LDL Corel Paradox分发库 {

LEG Legacy文档 c^>~

LES Logitech娱乐系统游戏配置文件(与REC文件一样) 9&6

LFT 3D Studio(DOS)放样文件 5-c>

LGO Paintbrush(Microsoft画图应用程序)的徽标文件 QV.

LHA LZH更换文件后缀 qf

LIB 库文件 XU/

LIN DataCAD线型文件 `A|D53

LIS 结构化查询报告(SQR)程序产生的输出文件 i

LLX Laplink交换代理 jSw

LNK Windows快捷方式文件 \

LOG [非法语句]志文件 %W#[4L

LPD Helix Nut和Bolt文件 >

LRC Intel可视电话文件 *Smf

LSL Corel Paradox保存的库文件 V

LSP AutoLISP、CommonLISP和其他LISP语言文件 FS83

LST 列表文件 o7

LU ThoughtWing库单元文件 k

LVL Parallax Software的 Miner Descent/D2 Level扩展p"MT:

LWLO Lightwave分层对象文件 >2nwls

LWOB Lightwave对象文件 lpk

LWP Lotus WordPro 96/97文件 r

LWSC Lightwave视景文件 e

LYR DataCAD层文件 =;F|d-

LZH LH ARC压缩档案 }

LZS Skyroads数据文件 W}YC

M1V MPEG相关文件(MIME"mpeg"类型) [Sy

M3D Corel Motion 3D动画文件 ?zO\:


MAC MacPaint图像文件 4

MAD Microsoft Access模块文件 _?Z

MAF Microsoft Access表单文件 a-Z0

MAG 在一些[非法语句]本文件中发现的图形文件格式 C?p$

MAGIC 魔力邮件监视器配置文件 *p}Z{F

MAK Visual Basil或Microsoft Visual C++工程文件 b}$

MAM Microsoft Access宏 q[Jcq

MAN UNIX手册页输出 ^ub\\

MAP 映射文件;Duke Nukem 3D WAD游戏文件 M

MAQ Microsoft Access查询文件 Z>uK:

MAR Microsoft Access报表文件 JIH3

MAS Lotus Freelance Graphics Smart Master文件 p!]

MAT Microsoft Access表;3D Studio MAX材料库 z1

MAUD MAUD抽样格式 [}8

MAX Kinetx的3DStudio MAX文件;该格式用于一个3D场景文件;Paperport文件;OrCAD设计文件 ;7<c<r

MAZ Hover迷路数据;Division的dVS/dVISE使用的文件格式 ^/

MB1 Apogee Monster Bash数据文件 kDcc>

MBOX Berkeley Unix邮箱格式 &46

MBX Microsoft Outlook保存email格式;Eudora邮箱 LVsi4D

MCC Dailerl0呼叫卡 bR%

MCP Metrowerks CodeWarrior工程文件 yac*

MCR DataCAD键盘宏文件 {,

MCW Microsoft Word的Macintosh文档 }

MDA Microsoft Access内抽入器;Microsoft Access 2.0版及其后续版本的工作组事件 "

MDB Microsoft Access数据库 &7&5(

MDE Microsoft Access MDE文件 #mS

MDF Alcohol的文件格式Wu

MDL 数字跟踪器音乐模块(MOD)文件;Quake模 块文件 2x

MDN Microsoft Access空数据库模板 oz})Wl

MDS Alcohol的文件格式J

MDW Microsoft Access工作组文件 EQ0M=

MDZ Microsoft Access向导模板文件 |`m

MED 音乐编辑器,OctaMED音乐模块(MOD)文件 CT;7A

MER 电子表格/数据库数据交换格式;FileMaker、Excel及其他软件能识别 [+G*!^

MET 表示管理器元文件 .2

MFG Pro/ENGINEER制造文件 4mA>>6

MGF 在材料与几何学里的文件格式 d!]


MI 杂项 ~`

MIC Microsoft Image Composer文件 Qch`>q


MIF Adobe FramMaker交换格式 d

MIFF 与机器无关格式文件 lF

MIM,MIME,MME Internet邮件扩展格式的多用途文件,经常作为发送e-mail时在AOL里附件而创建的文件;在一个多区MIM文件里的文件能用WinZip或其他类似程序打开 J

MLI 3D Studio的材料库格式文件 })yQ)q

MMF Meal Master格式;一个处方类格式;Microsoft邮件文件 b+

MMG 超过20/20表或集会数据文件 0</!,0

MMM Microsoft多媒体** VH

MMP Mindmapor Mind Manager文件 %SW

MN2 Descent2任务文件 S5o#q,

MND,MNI Mandelbort for Windows A?+3

MNG 多映像网络图形 aOf

MNT,MNX Microsoft FoxPro菜单文件 &ZP

MNU Visual dBASE菜单文件;Intertel Systems Interact菜单文件 E=L

MOD Fast Tracker、Star Trekker、Noise Tracker(等等)音乐模块文件;Microsoft多计划电子表格;Amiga/PC磁道文件 w!O[Ak

MOV QuickTime for Windows** e

MP2 第二层MPEG音频文件 }Q0C

MP3 第三层MPEG音频文件 !LOVFf

MPA MPEG相关文件,MIME"mpeg类型" R_QWp


MPP Microsoft工程文件;CAD绘图文件格式 Qm5Z

MPR Microsoft FoxPro菜单(已编译) O~<7


MSA 魔术阴影档案 k

MSDL Manchester的场景描述语言 &N

MSG Microsoft邮件消息 |Uik_

MSI Windows 安装器包 F

MSN Microsoft网络文档;Descent Mission文件 ;e8G

MSP Microsoft Paint(画图)位图文件;Windows Installer路径文件 }d1,

MST Windows 安装器传输文件 zy40

MTM Multi 跟踪器音乐模块(MOD)文件 X

MUL Ultima在线 6

MUS 音乐 d)&o

MUS10 Mus10声音 -H

MVB Microsoft多媒体查看器文件 #c

MWP Lotus WordPro 97 Smart Master文件 mC%[

2005-10-20 10:25:45 Li-Birch





注册:2005年9月21日第 3 楼


NAN Nanoscope文件(Raw Grayscale) Qz4z


NCB Microsoft Developer Studio文件 @t

NCD Norton改变目录 v7/

NCF NetWare命令文件;Lotus Notes内部剪切板 "oX

NDO 3D 低多边形建模器,Nendo W8uT

netCDF 网络公用数据表单 x%8]s

NFF 中性文件格式 -J&@

NFT NetObject Fusion模板文件 <6R

NIL Norton光标库文件(EasyIcons-兼容) v

NIST NIST Sphere声音 e}2A

NLB Oracle 7数据 x)&\

NLM NetWare可装载模块 2#

NLS 用于本地化的国家语言支持文件(例如,Uniscape) ^$7x4B

NLU Norton Live Update e-mail 触发器文件 dcK

NOD NetObject Fusion文件 g-=}8

NSF Lotus Notes数据库 tG,L

NSO NetObject Fusion文档文件 `"

NST Noise Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件 E0m0}

NS2 Lotus Notes数据库(第二版) u

NTF Lotus Notes数据库模板 r)@HJ

NTX CA-Clipper索引文件 L

NWC Noteworthy Composer歌曲文件 "Kl

NWS Microsoft Outlook Express新闻消息(MIME RFC822) '|)

O01 台风声音文件 }u5t{

OBD Microsoft Office活页夹 `|NkXj

OBJ 对象文件 OrZicI

OBZ Microsoft Office活页夹向导 .U*M

OCX Microsoft对象链接与嵌入定制控件 }

ODS Microsoft Outlook Express邮箱文件 @

OFF 3D 网状物对象文件格式 c)(J

OFN Microsoft Office FileNew文件 j+R

OFT Microsoft Outlook模板 )+(

OKT Oktalyzer音乐模块(MOD)文件 \

OLB OLE对象库 c<

OLE OLE对象 r$L>

OOGL 面向对象图形库xx% T0

OPL 组织者编程语言源文件——Psion/Symbian &*5K

OPO OPL输出可执行文件 QPO

OPT Microsoft Developer Studio文件 ^>R

OPX OPL扩展DLL(动态链接库) i\mRK

ORA Oracle 7 配置文件 f4t

ORC Oracle 7脚本文件 8

ORG Lotus Organizer 文件 YtC$

OR2 Lotus Organizer 2 文件 ,x~Z?

OR3 Lotus Organizer 97 文件 -

OSS Microsoft Office查找文件 |2D

OST Microsoft Exchange / Outlook 离线文件 rpG

OTL Super NoteTab 模板文件 &

OUT C语言输出文件 [

continue V@BEA

P3 Primavera Project Planner(工程设计器)文件 ]Hzi

P10 Tektronix Plot 10 绘图文件 E7C-8

P65 PageMaker 6.5文件 <8}t

P7C Digital ID 文件(MIME) G.yZi>

PAB Microsoft个人地址簿 bEA

PAC SB Studio Ⅱ 包 9%

PAK Quake WAD文件 ]'e$

PAL 压缩文件 \*O

PART Go!Zilla部分下载文件 +#

PAS Pascal源代码 BJHD[

PAT DataCAD Hatch模式文件;CorelDRAW模式;高级Gravis Ultrasound / Forte 技术;碎片文件 8n4!J

PBD PowerBuilder动态库,作为本地DLL的一个替代物 ,s-fY"

PBF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle 银行文件 B

PBK Microsoft PhoneBook(电话簿):qR

南平IT论坛 -- 南平IT -- IT的南平,走进网络人生,走进IT }F

PBL 用于诃owerBuilder开发环境中的PowerBuilder动态库 vTiwm

PBM 可导出位图 JI

PBR PowerBuilder资源 w8_/w*

PCD Kodak Photo-CD映像;P-Code编译器测试脚本,由Microsoft测试与Microsoft Visual测试 ^

PCE Maps Eudora邮箱名字的DOS文件名 b

PCL Hewlett-Packard 打印机控制语言文件(打印机备用位图) ih7T

PCM 声音文件格式;OKI MSM6376 合成芯片 PCM格式 +[@

PCP Symantec Live Update Pro文件 Ply]


PCT Macintosh PICT箨?募?<.tJ%8

PCX Zsoft PC画笔位图 !pN

PDB 3Com PalmPilot数据库文件 w(I+S

PDD 可以用Paint Shop Pro或其他图像处理软件打开的图形图像 Et

PDF Adobe Acrobat 可导出文档格式文件(可用Web浏览器显示);Microsoft系统管理服务器包定义文件;NetWare打印机定义文件 ^.@cTR

PDP Broderbund的Print Shop Deluxe文件 vo_

PDQ Patton&Patton Flowercharting PDQ Lite 文件 YF

PDS 摄影图像文件(该文件格式的来源不清楚) ^e_

PF Aladdin系统对私人文件进行加密的文件 ly=4'Q

PFA 类型1字体(ASCⅡ) lO

PFB 类型1字体(二进制) E

PFC PF组件 |()m8*

PFM 打印机字体尺度 P8[z

PGD 良好隐私(Pretty Good Privacy,PGP)虚拟磁盘文件 ~&

PGL HP绘图仪绘图文件 |aEvA

PGM 可输出灰度图(位图) @

PGP 用良好隐私(PGP)算法加密文件 UC

PH 由Microsoft帮助文件编译器产生的临时文件 [#).

PHP,PHP3 包含有PHP脚本的HTML网页 Dg_

PHTML 包含有PHP脚本的HTML网页;由Perl分析解释的HTML Co}

PIC PC画图位图;Lotus;Macintosh PICT绘图 OP!wL

PICT Macintosh PICT图形文件 '&.su/

PIF 程序信息文件;IBM PIF绘图文件 ^E

PIG LucasArts的Dark Forces WAD文件 )fFy<

PIN Epic Pinball数据文件 YV

PIX 内置系统位图 1

PJ MKS源完整性文件 ?$#>

PJX,PJT Microsoft Visual FoxPro工程文件 8g

PKG Microsoft Developer Studio应用程序扩展(与DLL文件类似) {fLE

PKR PGP的公用钥匙环 9

PL Perl程序 0}m

PLG 由REND386/AVRIL使用的文件格式 ;V`t1R

PLI Oracle 7数据描述 &c

PLM Discorder Tracker2模块 ,""z"a

PLS Disorder Tracker2抽样文件;MPEG PlayList文件(由WinAmp使用) FG

PLT HPGL绘图仪绘图文件;AutoCAD plot绘图文件;Gerber标志制作软件 PV

PM5 Pagemaker 5.0文件 F}s\Kd

PM6 Pagemaker 6.0文件 8

PNG 可移植的网络图形位图;Paint Shop Pro浏览器目录 v2W3

PNT,PNTG MacPaint图形文件 UTLLO,

POG Descent2 PIG文件扩展 q

POL Windows NT策略文件 qF

POP Visual dBASE上托文件 Rud`Zc

POT Microsoft Powerpoint模块 q

POV 视频射线跟踪器暂留 tNYRO

PP4 Picture Publisher 4位图 ,

PPA Microsoft Powerpoint内插器 C9

PPF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle程序文件 Zi

PPM 可移植的象素映射位图 v`

PPP Parson Power Publisher;Serif PagePlus桌面出版缺省输出 FBJqM

PPS Microsoft Powerpoint幻灯片放映 X

PPT Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿 UBCFe&

PQI PowerQuest驱动器图像文件 w#Et6Z

PRC 3COM PalmPiltt资源(文本或程序)文件 5uj5a1

PRE Lotus Freelance演示文稿 (J0&E

PRF Windows系统文件,Macromedia导演设置文件 .ow

PRG dBASE Clipper和FoxPro程序源文件;WAVmaker程序 w_HT

PRJ 3D Studio(DOS)工程文件 wa

PRN 打印表格(用空格分隔的文本);DataCAD Windows打印机文件 um

PRP Oberson的Prospero数据转换产品保存的工程文件 $|

PRS Harvard Graphics for Windows演示文件 .M:]I1

PRT 打印格式化文件;Pro/ENGINEER元件文件 -*lUC?

PRV PsiMail Internet提供者模板文件 Y

PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics 97文件 !

PS Postscript格式化文件(PostScript打印机可读文件) c

PSB Pinnacle Sound Bank 86*'nl

PSD Adobe photoshop位图文件 b_

PSI PSION a-Law声音文件 ~?

PSM Protracker Studio模型格式;Epic游戏的源数据文件 ;xt$sW

PSP Paint Shop Pro图像文件 (

PST Microsoft Outlook个人文件夹文件 Wi

PTD Pro/ENGINEER表格文件 Hp*=[h

PTM Polytracker音乐模块(MOD)文件 l7Z=qb

PUB Ventura Publisher出版物;Microsoft Publisher文档 MA".pQ

PWD Microsoft Pocket Word文档 g~$p0

PWL Windows 95口令列表文件+r

PWP Photoworks图像文件(能被Photoworks浏览的一系列文件) {0&qE

PWZ Microsoft Powerpoint向导 o+5T

PXL Microsoft Pocket Excel电子表格 !l[s

PY 来自Yahoo的电子消息;Python脚本文件 {7"Ef

PYC Python脚本文件 ]

2005-10-20 10:26:42 Li-Birch





注册:2005年9月21日第 4 楼


QAD PF QuickArt文档 Tc>G

QBW QuickBooks for Windows文件 .S

QDT 来自Quicken UK的QuickBooks数据文件,帐目/税/货单程序 wpW*,

QD3D Apple的QuickDraw 3D元文件格式 N#q


QIC Microsoft备份文件 =3d

QIF QuickTime相关图像(MIME);Quicken导入文件 ObQ

QLB Quick库 @UsI9

QM Quality Motion文件 A.@-

QRY Microsoft查询文件 ?Wfz

QST Quake Spy Tab文件 7q"

QT,QTM QuickTime** f('VM

QTI,QTIF QuickTime相关图像 0ZO&c

QTP QuickTime优先文件 !

QTS Mac PICT图像文件;QuickTime相关图像 ,(tkd

QTX QuickTime相关图像 "%%lf

QW Symantec Q&A Write程序文件 ,L0ke

QXD Quark XPress文件 c

R Pegasus邮件资源文件 |V

RA RealAudio声音文件 [ed%

RAM RealAudio元文件 jY #=i

RAR RAR压缩档案(Eugene Roshall格式) kijhrf

RAS Sun光栅图像位图 V

RAW RAW文件格式(位图);Raw标识的PCM数据 SadzLD

RBH 由RoboHELP维持的RBH文件,它加入到一个帮助工程文件的信息中 ZL5

RDF 资源描述框架文件(涉及XML和元数据) r

RDL Descent注册水平文件 uuHdS

REC 录音机宏;RapidComm声音文件 s$lq

REG 注册表文件 t/Pwm_

REP Visual dBASE报表文件 24

RES Microsoft Visual C++资源文件 pf

RFT 可修订的表单文本(IBM的DCA一部分或文档内容框架结构一部分) g4

RGB,SGI Silicon图形RGB文件 QwR

RLE Run-Length编码的位图 ;C

RL2 Descent2注册水平文件 s\k:

RM RealAudio视频文件 _Qhk

RMD Microsoft RegMaid文档 V]A,

RMF Rich Map格式(3D游戏编辑器使用它来保存图) uKC

RMI M1D1音乐 tD\Y3

ROM 基于盒式磁带的家庭游戏仿真器文件(来自Atari 2600、Colecovision、Sega、Nintendo等盒式磁带里的ROM完全拷贝,在两个仿真器之间不可互修改) 7R;

ROV Rescue Rover数据文件 {

RPM RedHat包管理器包(用于Linux) o{m

RPT Microsoft Visual Basic Crystal报表文件 8A+<l

RRS Ace game Road Rash保存的文件 Z0

RSL Borland的Paradox 7报表 '20J#D

RSM WinWay Resume Writer恢复文件 Yr|

RTF Rich Text格式文档 Pcy

RTK RoboHELP使用的用来模拟Windows帮助的搜索功能 C!,

RTM Real Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件 vZ

RTS RealAudio的RTSL文档;RoboHELP对复杂操作进行加速 Hx{!S

RUL InstallShield使用的扩展名 ;

RVP Microsoft Scan配置文件(MIME) ]Yl-V

Rxx 多卷档案上的RAR压缩文件(xx= 1~99间的一个数字) Pfo.z

S 汇编源代码文件 D*

S3I Scream Tracker v3设备 "e0

S3M Scream Tracker v3的声音模块文件 g&2$t1

SAM Ami专业文档;8位抽样数据)\

SAV 游戏保存文件 HN)62

SB 原始带符号字节(8位)数据 jMhd,@

SBK Creative Labs的Soundfont 1.0 Bank文件;(Soundblaster)/EMU SonndFont v1.x Bank文件 2

SBL Shockwave Flash对象文件 0v4'hN

SC2 Microsoft Schedule+7文件格式;SAS目录(Windows 95/NT、OS/2、Mac) MEzi

SC3 SimCity 3000保存的游戏文件 %

SCC Microsoft Source Safe文件 3u

SCD Matrix/Imapro SCODL幻灯片图像;Microsoft Schedule +7 jN

SCF Windows Explorer命令文件 ^dxYg

SCH Microsoft Schedule+1 n

SCI ScanVec Inspire本地文件格式 ]Gv

SCN True Space 2场景文件 3c

SCP 拨号网络脚本文件 qXP{YP

SCR Windows屏幕保护;传真图像;脚本文件 U@V

SCT SAS目录(DOS);Scitex CT位图;Microsoft FoxPro表单 PETt8&


SCV ScanVec CASmate本地文件格式 867O%

SCX Microsoft FoxPro表单文件 6B|

SD Sound Designer 1声音文件 O7

SD2 Sound Designer 2展平文件/数据分X指令;SAS数据库(Windows 95/NT、OS/2、Mac) q5'nG

SDF 系统数据文件格式—Legacy Unisys(Sperry)格式 Vi#

SDK Roland S—系列软盘映像 B

SDL Smart Draw库文件 G$

SDR Smart Draw绘图文件 eXzu

SDS 原始Midi抽样转储标准文件 r`YE($

SDT SmartDraw模板 #'R?

SDV 分号分隔的值文件 Q`Q

SDW Lotus WordPro图形文件;原始带符号的DWORD(32位)数据 -q%8<

SDX 由SDX压缩的Midi抽样转储标准文件 b v

SEA 自解压档案(Stufflt for Macintosh或其他软件使用的文件) cR{

SEP 标签图像文件格式(TIFF)位图 X`B

SES Cool Edit Session文件(普通数据声音编辑器文件) ~

SF IRCAM声音文件格式 I#B|j[

SF2 Emu Soundfont v2.0文件;Creative Labs的Soundfont 2.0 Bank文件(Sound Blaster) #y

SFD SoundStage声音文件数据 0i

SFI Sound Stage声音文件信息 ?/-

SFR Sonic Foundry Sample资源 Q{8r

SFW Seattle**工程(损坏的JPEG) LO

SFX RAR自解压档案 Ws

SGML 标准通用标签语言 $l-h

SHB Corel Show演示文稿;文档快捷文件 \

SHG 热点位图 Cig

SHP 3D Studio(DOS)形状文件;被一些应用程序用于多部分交互三角形模型的3D建模 rws|

SHS Shell scrap文件;据载用于发送"口令盗窃者" ~lI

SHTML 含有服务器端包括(SSI)的HTML文件 &

SHW Corel Show演示文稿 A_^

SIG 符号文件 f$`

SIT Mac的StuffIt档案文件 QG-

SIZ Oracle 7配置文件 \)


SKL Macromedia导演者资源文件 tD

SL PACT的保存布局扩展名 S

SLB Autodesk Slide库文件格式 c{O"

SLD Autodesk Slide文件格式 MS6V

SLK Symbolic Link(SYLK)电子表格 ftW

SM3 DataCAD标志文件 Y*N#

SMP Samplevision格式;Ad Lib Gold抽样文件 HlI9zn

SND NeXT声音;Mac声音资源;原始的未符号化的PCM数据;AKAI MPC系列抽样文件 71q

SNDR Sounder声音文件 ";y

SNDT Sndtool声音文件 {?ikA@

SOU SB Studio Ⅱ声音 :]

SPD Speech数据文件 o1A.

SPL Shockwave Flash对象;DigiTrakker抽样 $+Y'

SPPACK SPPack声音抽样 yl

SPRITE Acorn的位图格式 L

SQC 结构化查询语言(SQR)普通代码文件 {

SQL Informix SQL查询;通常被数据库产品用于SQL查询(脚本、文本、二进制)的文件扩展名 +mn

SQR 结构化查询语言(SQR)程序文件 m:r%

SSDO1 SAS数据集合(UNIX) q\Fj


SSF 可用的电子表格文件 C0

ST Atari ST磁盘映像 !q

STL Sterolithography文件 v

STM .shtml的短后缀形式,含有一个服务端包括(SSI)的HTML文件;Scream Tracker V2音乐模块(MOD)文件 g^

STR 屏幕保护文件 g@

STY Ventura Publisher风格表 uWuG;X

SVX Amiga 8SVX声音;互交换文件格式,8SVX/16SV 6p_5s0

SW 原始带符号字(16位)数据 CM[

SWA 在Macromedia导演文件(MP3文件)中的Shockwave声音文件 8

SWF Shockwave Flash对象 !5Oy/

SWP DataCAD交换文件 x

SYS 系统文件 `

SYW Yamaha SY系列波形文件 /wN)J

2005-10-20 10:27:22 Li-Birch





注册:2005年9月21日第 5 楼


T64 Commodore 64仿真器磁带映像文件 cx8(JV

TAB Guitar表文件 En>R,

TAR 磁带档案 1

TAZ UNIX gzip/tape档案 p%f'D

TBK Asymetrix Toolbook交互多媒体文件 cs(Y

TCL 用TCL/TK语言编写的脚本 C]|

TDB Thumbs Plus数据库 fP

TDDD Imagine 和 Turbo Silver射线跟踪器使用的文件格式 ;}

TEX 正文文件 (

TGA Targa位图 x!']p

TGZ UNIX gzip/tap档案文件 d5_

THEME Windows 95桌面主题文件 m

THN Graphics WorkShop for Windows速写 :Ww

TIF,TIFF 标签图像文件格式(TIFF)位图 +?

TIG 虎形文件,美国政府用于分发地图 cJ}

TLB OLE类型库 -

TLE 两线元素集合(NASA) 2D

TMP Windows临时文件 _}t9B)

TOC Eudora邮箱内容表 0

TOL Kodak照片增强器 y

TOS Atari 16/32和32/32计算机操作系统文件 @*

TPL CakeWalk声音模板文件;DataCAD模板文件


一、详细释义: , n. , 故事情节,布局 [U,C] , 例句: ,The plot of the story is ingeniously conceived.,故事情节的构思相当巧妙。, 例句: ,The plot of the new novel gradually developed in the author's mind.,那部新小说的情节在作者的头脑中逐渐形成。, 阴谋,密谋 [C] , 例句: ,The plot to kill the President grew out of the inordinate ambition of a few colonels.,刺杀总统的阴谋是由几位陆军上校无限制的野心酿成的。, 例句: ,Their plot to overthrow the government was crushed.,他们企图推翻 *** 的阴谋被粉碎了。, (专用的)小块土地 [C] , 例句: ,I grow potatoes on my little plot of land.,我在那一小块地上种土豆。, v. , 密谋,暗中策划 [I,T] , 例句: ,They are plotting how to murder him.,他们在密谋如何杀害他。, 例句: ,Those who plot and conspire will certainly e to no good end.,搞阴谋诡计的人绝不会有好下场。, (在地图上)画出,标出 [T] , 例句: ,We were trying to plot the course of the submarine.,我们试图标绘出潜艇的航线图。, 绘制(图表) [T] , 例句: ,They used a puter to plot the movements of everyone in the building.,他们使用了一台计算机绘制这座建筑里每个人的活动图表。, 绘制(曲线) [T] , 例句: ,We plot about eight points on the graph.,我们在图表上绘制出大约8个点的曲线。, (为小说、戏剧等)设置情节,布局 [T] , 例句: ,He occupied himself with plotting something new into his novel yesterday so that he missed the interview.,昨天他光忙着为小说设置新情节以至于误了面试。, 二、词义辨析: , draft,outline,diagram,plot,sketch,blueprint ,这些词既可作动词也可作名词用,作动词时均有“绘制”之意;作名词时都含“草图”之意。draft用作动词时指按准确比例设计或打样;作名词时专指精确的草图或草案。outline主要给出事物要点或轮廓,强调简化了的整体。diagram侧重指用图形、图表等来说明。plot可与draft和diagram换用,但侧重于表示具体的点、面、部分或目标,从而使相互关系以及和整体的关系得以明确。sketch指用图、模型或语言描述来表示某一事物的整体情况。blueprint主要指绘制蓝图或制定纲领或规划。这个词引申用来指详细而具体的行动计划。, 三、参考例句: ,The plot seems contrived.,情节看起来不真实。,The second kitchentheory?plot thickens.,第二厨房理论的蛛丝马迹又增加了。,The film had an exciting?plot.,这部**有吸引人的情节。,The plot often borders on farce.,情节常常近乎荒诞。,The plot of the drama is dull.,这个剧的剧情很无聊。,The plot sucks and now I quit.,剧情太烂,果断弃剧。,The plot of the book is incredible.,这本书的情节叫人难以相信。,a plot to assassinate the president,一个刺杀总统的阴谋,The plot of the story is ingeniously conceived.,故事情节的构思相当巧妙。,Their plot to overthrow the government was crushed.,他们企图推翻 *** 的阴谋被粉碎了。

Understanding global communications among cells requires accurate representation of cell-cell signaling links and effective systems-level analyses of those links( 这里其实就是需要我们先验的配受体对 ),We constructed a database of interactions among ligands, receptors and their cofactors that accurately represents known heteromeric molecular complexes( 配受体复合物确实也需要很好的考虑 ),然后作者开发了Cellchat,用来推断单细胞细胞类型之间的通讯网络,CellChat predicts major signaling inputs and outputs for cells and how those cells and signals coordinate for functions using network analysis and pattern recognition approaches.通过多方面的学习和定量对比,CellChat可以对信号传导途径进行分类,并描述不同数据集中的保守途径和特定背景的途径,当然,文章把这个软件运用到了一些现有的数据中,效果很不错。( 每个软件都是这么说的 )。


CellChat requires gene expression data of cells as the user input and models the probability of cell-cell communication by integrating gene expression with prior knowledge of the interactions between signaling ligands, receptors and their cofactors( 这一点所有软件都差不多 ),我们来看看分析过程。

1、Identification of differentially expressed signaling genes. To infer the cell state-specific communications, we first identified differentially expressed signaling genes across all cell groups within a given scRNA-seq dataset, using the Wilcoxon rank sum test with the significance level of 0.05( 这里建议大家设的再小一点 )。

2、Calculation of ensemble average expression. To account for the noise effects, we calculated the ensemble average expression of signaling genes in a given cell group using a statistically robust mean method:

CellChat requires gene expression data of cells as the user input and models the probability of cell-cell communication by integrating gene expression with prior knowledge of the interactions between signaling ligands, receptors and their cofactors.

Upon infering the intercellular communication network, CellChat provides functionality for further data exploration, analysis, and visualization.

CellChat requires two user inputs: one is the gene expression data of cells, and the other is either user assigned cell labels (i.e., label-based mode) or a low-dimensional representation of the single-cell data (i.e., label-free mode). For the latter, CellChat automatically groups cells by building a shared neighbor graph based on the cell-cell distance in the low-dimensional space or the pseudotemporal trajectory space.

For the gene expression data matrix , genes should be in rows with rownames and cells in columns with colnames. Normalized data (e.g., library-size normalization and then log-transformed with a pseudocount of 1) is required as input for CellChat analysis. If user provides count data, we provide a normalizeData function to account for library size and then do log-transformed. For the cell group information , a dataframe with rownames is required as input for CellChat.

USERS can create a new CellChat object from a data matrix, Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object. If input is a Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object, the meta data in the object will be used by default and USER must provide group.by to define the cell groups. e.g, group.by = “ident” for the default cell identities in Seurat object.

NB: If USERS load previously calculated CellChat object (version < 0.5.0), please update the object via updateCellChat

If cell mata information is not added when creating CellChat object, USERS can also add it later using addMeta , and set the default cell identities using setIdent .

Our database CellChatDB is a manually curated database of literature-supported ligand-receptor interactions in both human and mouse. CellChatDB in mouse contains 2,021 validated molecular interactions, including 60% of secrete autocrine/paracrine signaling interactions, 21% of extracellular matrix (ECM)-receptor interactions and 19% of cell-cell contact interactions. CellChatDB in human contains 1,939 validated molecular interactions, including 61.8% of paracrine/autocrine signaling interactions, 21.7% of extracellular matrix (ECM)-receptor interactions and 16.5% of cell-cell contact interactions.

Users can update CellChatDB by adding their own curated ligand-receptor pairs.Please check our tutorial on how to do it.

To infer the cell state-specific communications, we identify over-expressed ligands or receptors in one cell group and then identify over-expressed ligand-receptor interactions if either ligand or receptor is over-expressed.

We also provide a function to project gene expression data onto protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. Specifically, a diffusion process is used to smooth genes’ expression values based on their neighbors’ defined in a high-confidence experimentally validated protein-protein network. This function is useful when analyzing single-cell data with shallow sequencing depth because the projection reduces the dropout effects of signaling genes, in particular for possible zero expression of subunits of ligands/receptors. One might be concerned about the possible artifact introduced by this diffusion process, however, it will only introduce very weak communications. USERS can also skip this step and set raw.use = TRUE in the function computeCommunProb() .

CellChat infers the biologically significant cell-cell communication by assigning each interaction with a probability value and peforming a permutation test. CellChat models the probability of cell-cell communication by integrating gene expression with prior known knowledge of the interactions between signaling ligands, receptors and their cofactors using the law of mass action.

The number of inferred ligand-receptor pairs clearly depends on the method for calculating the average gene expression per cell group . By default, CellChat uses a statistically robust mean method called ‘trimean’, which produces fewer interactions than other methods. However, we find that CellChat performs well at predicting stronger interactions, which is very helpful for narrowing down on interactions for further experimental validations. In computeCommunProb , we provide an option for using other methods, such as 5% and 10% truncated mean, to calculating the average gene expression. Of note, ‘trimean’ approximates 25% truncated mean, implying that the average gene expression is zero if the percent of expressed cells in one group is less than 25%. To use 10% truncated mean, USER can set type = "truncatedMean" and trim = 0.1 .

When analyzing unsorted single-cell transcriptomes, under the assumption that abundant cell populations tend to send collectively stronger signals than the rare cell populations, CellChat can also consider the effect of cell proportion in each cell group in the probability calculation. USER can set population.size = TRUE .

We provide a function subsetCommunication to easily access the inferred cell-cell communications of interest. For example,

CellChat computes the communication probability on signaling pathway level by summarizing the communication probabilities of all ligands-receptors interactions associated with each signaling pathway.

NB: The inferred intercellular communication network of each ligand-receptor pair and each signaling pathway is stored in the slot ‘net’ and ‘netP’, respectively.

We can calculate the aggregated cell-cell communication network by counting the number of links or summarizing the communication probability. USER can also calculate the aggregated network among a subset of cell groups by setting sources.use and targets.use .

We can also visualize the aggregated cell-cell communication network. For example, showing the number of interactions or the total interaction strength (weights) between any two cell groups using circle plot.

Due to the complicated cell-cell communication network, we can examine the signaling sent from each cell group. Here we also control the parameter edge.weight.max so that we can compare edge weights between differet networks.

Upon infering the cell-cell communication network, CellChat provides various functionality for further data exploration, analysis, and visualization.

Hierarchy plot : USER should define vertex.receiver , which is a numeric vector giving the index of the cell groups as targets in the left part of hierarchy plot. This hierarchical plot consist of two components: the left portion shows autocrine and paracrine signaling to certain cell groups of interest (i.e, the defined vertex.receiver ), and the right portion shows autocrine and paracrine signaling to the remaining cell groups in the dataset. Thus, hierarchy plot provides an informative and intuitive way to visualize autocrine and paracrine signaling communications between cell groups of interest. For example, when studying the cell-cell communication between fibroblasts and immune cells, USER can define vertex.receiver as all fibroblast cell groups.

Chord diagram : CellChat provides two functions netVisual_chord_cell and netVisual_chord_gene for visualizing cell-cell communication with different purposes and different levels. netVisual_chord_cell is used for visualizing the cell-cell communication between different cell groups (where each sector in the chord diagram is a cell group), and netVisual_chord_gene is used for visualizing the cell-cell communication mediated by mutiple ligand-receptors or signaling pathways (where each sector in the chord diagram is a ligand, receptor or signaling pathway.)

Explnations of edge color/weight, node color/size/shape : In all visualization plots, edge colors are consistent with the sources as sender, and edge weights are proportional to the interaction strength. Thicker edge line indicates a stronger signal. In the Hierarchy plot and Circle plot , circle sizes are proportional to the number of cells in each cell group. In the hierarchy plot, solid and open circles represent source and target, respectively. In the Chord diagram , the inner thinner bar colors represent the targets that receive signal from the corresponding outer bar. The inner bar size is proportional to the signal strength received by the targets. Such inner bar is helpful for interpreting the complex chord diagram. Note that there exist some inner bars without any chord for some cell groups, please just igore it because this is an issue that has not been addressed by circlize package.

Visualization of cell-cell communication at different levels : One can visualize the inferred communication network of signaling pathways using netVisual_aggregate , and visualize the inferred communication networks of individual L-R pairs associated with that signaling pathway using netVisual_individual .

Here we take input of one signaling pathway as an example. All the signaling pathways showing significant communications can be accessed by cellchat@netP$pathways .

For the chord diagram, CellChat has an independent function netVisual_chord_cell to flexibly visualize the signaling network by adjusting different parameters in the circlize package. For example, we can define a named char vector group to create multiple-group chord diagram, e.g., grouping cell clusters into different cell types.

We can also visualize the cell-cell communication mediated by a single ligand-receptor pair. We provide a function extractEnrichedLR to extract all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) and related signaling genes for a given signaling pathway.

In practical use, USERS can use ‘for … loop’ to automatically save the all inferred network for quick exploration using netVisual . netVisual supports an output in the formats of svg, png and pdf.

We can also show all the significant interactions (L-R pairs) from some cell groups to other cell groups using netVisual_bubble .

Similar to Bubble plot, CellChat provides a function netVisual_chord_gene for drawing Chord diagram to



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