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female prison怎么玩(fear house prison攻略)

2023-12-05 19:37:18游戏攻略1人已围观

简介大家好!今天让小编来给大家介绍一下关于female prison怎么玩(fear house prison攻略)的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,大家一起来看看吧。


大家好!今天让小编来给大家介绍一下关于female prison怎么玩(fear house prison攻略)的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,大家一起来看看吧。


female prison怎么玩(fear house prison攻略)



 Jiang Zhijun (August 20, 1920 - November 14, 1949), Zigong Town, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, Zhenjiang Bay, the Communist Party of China underground area of Chongqing, an important figure for the Chinese Communist Party to ratify the female martyrs.

 In 1939 joined the Communist Party of China. 1945 and Peng Yongwu marriage, marriage is responsible for the Communist Party of China Chongqing Municipal Committee of the underground publication "advance into" the organization of the work. In 1948, Peng Yongwu in the CPC Sichuan East Provisional Committee members and deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee to death, Jiang Zhuyun took over his work.

 June 14, 1948, Jiang Zhujun was arrested in Wanxian County, was held in Chongqing, the National Government Junji Zhazi concentration camp, was tortured still refused to refuse to surrender the military to the Communist Party of the underground information; November 14, 1949 Day, Chongqing was surrounded by the Chinese People's Liberation Army on the occasion, by the National Government military system in the Zhazi Dong prison killed and destroyed.

 September 2009 Jiang Zhujun selected 100 for the new China to make outstanding contributions to the hero model list.


 August 20, 1920 was born in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, Dashan Town, a farmer family.

 8 years old, strong character of the mother and the idle father can not get along, then with Jiang Zhu Yun sister to Chongqing to go to the brothers. 10 years old to Chongqing socks factory when the child workers, because people have not high machine, the boss for her special a high stool.

 In 1939 admitted to Chongqing's Chinese public school, secretly joined the Communist Party. After joining the party, Comrade Jiang Zhijun loves Marxism-Leninism theory, longing for the revolutionary sanctuary Yan'an. But then the party asked her to stay in Chongqing for communication liaison work. This requires an unobtrusive job to cover, so the party organization instructs her to learn accounting, learn to calculate the abacus, she does not hesitate to listen to the organization.

 In the autumn of 1940 admitted to the Chinese vocational school accounting training classes. After hard work, master the accounting profession.

 In 1941, Jiang Zhu medicine was again admitted to the Chinese vocational school founded by Huang Yanpei. As a young communist, she conceals herself from work in school.

 The late summer of 1941, Chongqing. Twenty-one-year-old Jiang Zhunjun from the Chinese public school affiliated high school and the Chinese vocational school accounting training graduation, was transferred to the special committee of Chongqing New District District Committee, responsible for organizing student movement, the development of new party members, Advanced newspaper "issue work.

 At the end of 1943, Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Pu for security reasons, that Peng Yongwu need a good environment to protect him in Chongqing, a home. However, he can not and Yunyang's wife Tan Zhenglun contact, but this involves work, and can not be long towed. As a result, the municipal party committee in Chongqing, the middle of the female comrades repeatedly selected, selected, and finally decided to assign Jiang Zhuyun to accept her so surprised and shy task --- to Pangyong Wu "wife" and assistant. They began to meet, work together, turned out to be married together, day and night, live together. And he and his wife, composed of a family. Their family is the secret body of the Chongqing municipal Party committee and the underground party organization rectification study center. Her main task is to do for Peng Yongwu communication liaison work.

 In the summer of 1944, Jiang Zhuyun was organized into the Sichuan University College of Agriculture to study and engage in the secret work of the party. After joining the party, according to the requirements of the party organization, with the Communist Party members Peng Yongwu as husband and wife, to form a "family", as the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the secret organs and underground party members to learn the counseling center.

 In 1945, she married Peng Yongwu, after staying in Chongqing to help Peng Yongwu work, responsible for handling party affairs and internal and external contact work, since then, comrades are affectionately called her sister.

 After graduating in 1946, she returned to Chongqing to attend and lead the student movement. In April, Jiang Zhuyun dystocia, was classmate students sent to the hospital, this time Peng Yongwu not her side, she made a proposal to make cesarean section and sterilization at the same time the two decisions. Peng Yongwu rushed to Chengdu after the visit to her and the newly born son of small Peng Yun, for her brave, decisive and sacrificing spirit moved.

 The spring of 1947, the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee founded the "advance reported", Jiang Zhujun specifically responsible for proofreading, collating, sending telegrams and distribution work. "Advice reported" in a few months time, to carry more than 1600 copies, causing the enemy's great panic. Xia, Peng Yongwu Ren Communist Party members of the Communist Party of China and vice chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Committee. Jiang Jie to the Eastern Conference Committee and the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the identity of the contact with her husband went to the front line of armed struggle. Students who are responsible for organizing large and medium schools struggle with the Kuomintang reactionaries.

 On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1948, Peng Yongwu died in the organization of the armed uprising, the head was cut off by the enemy hanging on the gates of the public. Jiang sister to endure grief, decided to take over her husband's work. She said to the party organization: "The relationship between this line is only I am familiar with, others replace the difficulties, I should fall in the old Peng continued to fight.

 June 14, 1948, due to traitor betrayal, Jiang Jie was arrested, was detained in Chongqing Zhazi Dong prison. The Kuomintang military spies exhausted all kinds of torture: tiger stool, chili water, slings, prickly steel whip, crowbar, electrocution, and even brutally sticking bamboo sticks into her fingers, anxious to open from this young female communist Gap, cracked leadership of the eastern Sichuan riots and the Communist Party of China under the Communist Party of China. In the face of the enemy's inhuman torture and the threat of death, Jiang Jie has always been unyielding, "you can interrupt my hand, kill my head, the organization is not." "Poison torture, it is too small test. The sign is made of bamboo, and the will of the Communists is steel!

 November 14, 1949, on the eve of the liberation of Chongqing, Jiang Jie was killed by the Kuomintang spy in Zhazi Dong prison, sacrifice only 29 years old.


 Name evolution

 Jiang Jie was born to take the small name of the snow, from the 5-year-old Mongolian reading, the father gave her the name of the school called "Jiang Zhujun" to her imprisonment before no change. So far the 1940 Chinese vocational school issued her certificate and she was admitted to the National Sichuan University admission registration form, are written in the name.

 Later changed the word "Jiang Zhu Yun", she was arrested and imprisoned after the temporary access to the pseudonym. But the pseudonym did not change the pronunciation of her name, but with a homonym only.

 Red suicide note

 Jiang sister in the sentence before writing down a care alone suicide note, is written to Andi (Jiang sister's cousin Tan Zhuan), when Jiang Jie is made of chopsticks into a bamboo pen, made of cotton gray ink, write Under this suicide note, the letter filled with Jiang sister as a mother, deep thoughts of his son.

 The suicide note shows the tenderness side

 November 14, 2007, at the expense of 58th anniversary of Jiang Jie, this man called "red suicide note" of the cultural relics finally in the Three Gorges Museum to the world opened a long time secret.

 The letter probably said: "We have to win and will live confidence, from the date of imprisonment (in June last year), I have two years of determination to go to jail, now the situation changes, the end of a prison The possibility of, we are not in the prison, we have been constantly in the study, we in the end or tiger's mouth, life and death, if unfortunate, cloud children (referring to Jiang Zhuyun, Peng Yongwu two martyrs of the child Peng Yun) To give you, hope to follow the footsteps of their parents to build a new China for the cause of the communist revolution in the end of the struggle in the end of the children never arrogant (Jiao) raise, coarse clothes enough rice. Of this suicide note shows Jiang Jie little-known tenderness side.

 The suicide note repeatedly mentioned his son

 This suicide book about twelve centimeters, rough paper, because of age, has begun to yellow. "This is Jiangjie righteousness before the last letter." Three Gorges Museum staff said that Jiang Jie is a revolutionary, but also an ordinary woman, a child's mother. She repeatedly referred to her son in the letter Peng Yun.

 The staff said that people think that the revolutionary fighters are cast steel, in fact, there are gentle heroes side, Jiang Jie in the last moments of life, in addition to revolutionary career, the most concerned about is their own children, "suicide note quite scrawled, from time to time Change the ink, we can see the hearts of Jiang Ji heart of the child care.

 Bamboo chopsticks cut pen to make cotton ink

 In the gloomy junk hole prison, Jiang sister quietly wrote a suicide note, and the suicide note sent to prison. At that time, Jiang Jie lived in Zhazi Dong prison female two cell, the staff said that two months before the victims, Jiang sister to the cousin Tan Zhuan wrote this suicide note. At that time, the prison control of the prisoners is very tight, Jiang sister simply can not get pen to write letters. Later, Jiang Jie secretly hide a bamboo chopsticks, in the caretaker do not pay attention to the time, the bamboo chopsticks end sharpened when the pen, and then open the quilt, some cotton soda ash, transfer some water, it becomes ink.





比较不好点,尽量近些。 如果他已经下去了,似乎就已经来不及了……


























在Prison Tycoon 4\languages\eng\help



然后,Prison Tycoon 4\data文件夹下的language.xml文件(计事本打开)



























无実の罪で15年の刑を言い渡されたナミ(小阪由佳)。収监された“幽狱刑务所”は、看守长相原(佐藤裕)の黒い欲望が涡巻く女たちには地狱の场所であった。リンチ裏切りレイプ次々と袭いくる罠から、果たしてナミは抜け出せるのか!?トップアイドル小阪由佳が挑む、これが“女囚モノ”の决定版!! In Japan's toughest maximum-security female prison, the inmates outnumber the guards by 100 to one, and if Prisoner 42 hopes to survive her sentence she needs to stay clear of the vicious guards and the even more dangerous prisoners. This facility was designed just to hold the country's most ruthless criminals, and the population is ready to explode into a riot at any minute in this thriller set inside the rarely-seen Japanese penal system.










1. 加入npc到队伍中


FindCharacter npc名

以Medreth为例,输入FindCharacter Medreth

然后列表里可能会出现同名npc,比如矮人守卫NPC_Medreth_Guard_Dwarf ,在其中找到NPC_Medreth,这就是你要找的id了

接着输入AddToParty NPC_Medreth


2. 改变摄像机缩放范围

SetZoomRange 最小值 最大值

这个指令不会改变你现在的缩放距离,但是可以让你滚动鼠标滚轮时,把摄像机拉得很近或很远。试试输入SetZoomRange 0.1 200,你看到了什么?


3. 强制非队员的npc走开

AIPathToPoint id1 id2 移动类型

id1 是你想要移走的npc,比如要npc矮人守卫Medreth走开,这里就是NPC_Medreth_Guard_Dwarf

id2 是你想要他去的地方,这里可以输入可以用 FindObject 或 FindCharacter 指令能找到的所有东东, 比如TurningWheel(Clone) 或者 NPC_Villager_Female_03,也就是说可以指定一个物体或者一个人,他就会走向那里。如果他是没办法到达的地方,那么他就不会移动。

移动类型 可以输入三个数字 2 = 走过去, 3 = 跑过去, 4 = 冲刺过去


AIPathToPoint NPC_Medreth_Guard_Dwarf NPC_Villager_Female_03 2

4. 指示非队员的npc攻击某人

理论基本同上,指令是AIForceAttack id1 id2


AIForceAttack NPC_Medreth_Guard_Dwarf NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man

5. 传送到另一片区域

AreaTransition 地图名 指定地点


AreaTransition AR_0002_Dyrford_Tavern_01 North1

全区域列表: link

全地点列表: link



6. 世界地图部分/全区域解锁


WorldMapSetVisibility 地图名 状态标记

状态标记有这么几种: 0 = 锁定, 1 = 已解锁, 2 = 隐藏, 3 = 开发者专用)




WorldMapSetVisibility AR_0301_Ondras_Gift_Exterior 1

7. 对某人造成伤害

DealDamage ID 数值


DealDamage NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man 200

8. 杀死某人

Kill ID


Kill NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man

9. 治愈队伍



10. 开启容器,无论是否上锁

Open chest_01 true



11. 开启容器,无论是否上锁(需要安装IE Mod)

OpenContainer chest_01

12. 传送到鼠标所指的地方(需要安装IE Mod)




13. 雇佣一位npc

OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion 费用 等级



指令示例:OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion 0 8

14. 宿营



15. 使某人变成敌对

SetIsHostile ID ture


SetIsHostile ID false


SetIsHostile CRE_Boar_Animal_Companion(Clone) true


SetIsHostile CRE_Boar_Animal_Companion(Clone) false

16. 各种传送


TeleportObejctToLocation 地点 地点 (?)(原文是guid,下同)


TeleportPartyToLocation 地点


TeleportPlayerToLocation 地点

指令示例: 传送队伍到动物同伴处

TeleportPartyToLocation CRE_Boar_Animal_Companion(Clone)


EncounterSpawn id

ID可以在游戏物品浏览器里找到 (控制台指令: tt ). 在最上层的目录,2_Design_Area_Encounters里可以找到需要的ID.有时候不在2_Design_Area_Encounters里的遭遇,会和其他的游戏物品混在一起,不过也好找,因为它们都是ENC_开头的。

18. 刷新生物(需要安装IE Mod)

BSC 生物名 数字标记

标记:0 - 友好的, 1 - 敌对的


指令示例:刷新一只动物同伴Obsidian Wurm

BSC cre_wurm_obsidian_pet 0


BSC cre_druid_cat01 1

19. 高级任务(需要安装IE Mod)

首先要使用 ListActiveQuests指令获得当前任务的内部名

会得到一些比如data/quests/00_dyrford_ulterior_motives.quest之类的名字,是哪个有时候全靠猜, 比如在Dyrford的任务猫和老鼠Cat and Mouse

一旦得到内部名,使用指令ForceAdvanceQuest 任务名

指令示例:ForceAdvanceQuest data/quests/00_dyrford_ulterior_motives.quest

20. 重置等级洗点(需要安装IE Mod)

This console command allows you to respec yourself or your party members (drops them to level 0 and allows you to relevel them up), or you can do the same thing, but also change their class. Changing the class is optional.

The console command is:


用指令FindCharacter name找到游戏内的角色名

现在假设要你的同伴BB法师(BB Wizard)

输入FindCharacter Wizard


现在输入 ChangeClass Companion_BB_Wizard(Clone)_4 Wizard


或者输入ChangeClass Companion_BB_Wizard(Clone)_4 Fighter






更新: 可能发生1级技能重复的bug,日后会修复。

21. 重命名角色

RenameCreature 游戏内角色名 新名字



RenameCreature Animal_Companion_Wolf(Clone) Wolfie

22. 去除战争迷雾


23. 上帝模式


24. 全队隐形


25. 无伤模式


NoDamage 1


NoDamage 0

26. 摄像机速度

CameraMoveDelta 浮点数

数值默认为1,你可以输入类似0.5 , 2 , 1.5的数值

27. 多功能







AddItem 材料名 数量

指令示例: 加入一个食尸鬼头(物品名可以参考PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle下的文件名)

AddItem misc_troll_head 1


GivePlayerMoney 数量


AddExperience 数量


AddExperienceToLevel 等级数


Skill 角色名 技能名 数值


Skill player stealth 10


Skill Companion_BB_Rogue(Clone)_3 stealth 10


AttributeScore 角色名 属性名 数值


AttributeScore player might 20


AddAbility 角色名 能力名

指令示例: 能力名可以在PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle找到

AddAbility player Defender (the names of the abilities can also be found in PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle)

给角色添加天赋( talent)

AddTalent 天赋名


28. 城堡相关






StrongholdBuild 类型


StrongholdDestroy 类型


StrongholdForceAdventure 类型












StrongholdForceVisitor index


StrongholdForceAttack index - same


AdjustSecurity 整数


AdjustPrestige 整数

29. 杂项

ManageParty 队伍管理


Screenshake 持续时间 强度

指令示例:Screenshake 1 1


SoulMemoryCameraEnable true


SoulMemoryCameraEnable false

解锁百科词条(Journal - Cyclopedia - Bestiar)



DispositionAddPoints axis strength - axis, strength

ReputationAddPoints Faction Axis Strength - faction, axis, strength


SetGlobalValue 名字 价值


SetWantsToTalk guid true


StartQuest 任务名

30. 作者也没搞明白的:


ChangeWaterLevel (id, single, single)


AddPrisoner id


Prison Break is a drama from executive producers Brett Ratner, Paul Scheuring, Matt Olmstead, Marty Adelstein, Dawn Parouse and Neal Moritz. After getting himself incarcerated in Fox River State Penitentiary to free his wrongly accused brother, Lincoln Burrows, Michael Scofield is now on the loose–along with his brother and six other convicts. Set to uncover the $5 million hidden by D.B....



Marshall Allman

Role: LJ Burrows

Most Recent Role: Jonathan Alaniz on CSI

Alias Name(s): Marshall Allman, M Allman

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Austin, Texas, USA

Birthday: 4-5-1984

Born in Austin, Texas, Marshall Allman dove head-long into his passion for soccer and visual art from the age of five. Though always a straight-A student, Marshall was often sent to the principal's office for, shall we say, "irreverent" behavior. This same behavior is what led many of his early teachers to tell him he should consider entertainment as a career. At age fifteen, Marshall discovered the varied live music scene in Austin. His taste in music continues to be quite eclectic, with special interest in blues, jazz, and rock. He produced a play with friends when he was 17 called History of the Devil, which was the premier production of the Fear Theatre Company in Austin. This was also his acting debut. In his junior and senior year of high school, Marshall received awards in competitions sponsored by the state of Texas for his paintings and drawings. He led his high school soccer team as its captain to win the Texas state championship, and they went on to play throughout the nation. Though originally intending to pursue a career in professional soccer, he began to consider pursuing graphic or performing arts. As he approached high school graduation, it was a toss-up between going to New York City to study art and Los Angeles to study acting. Brought to Hollywood by Steven Nash of Arts and Letters Management, he quickly landed acting roles in films such as Sweet Pea, Shallow Ground, and Little Black Book. He has appeared in such television shows as The Practice, Without a Trace, and Malcolm in the Middle.


Sarah Wayne Callies

Role: Dr. Sara Tancredi

Most Recent Role: Dr. Sara Tancredi on Prison Break

Gender: Female

Birthplace: La Grange, Illinois

Birthday: 6-1-1977

Moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, with her family when she was one, after she was born in La Grange, Illinos. Sarah graduated from the same exclusive private school as actress Kelly Preston, Director Jim Simpson (husband of Sigourney Weaver) and AOL's Steve Case. Her parents are professors at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.


William Fichtner

Role: Special Agent Alexander Mahone

Most Recent Role: Special Agent Alexander Mahone on Prison Break

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Mitchell Field Air Force Base, East Meadow, Long Island, New York, USA

Birthday: 11-26-1957

Birth Name: William Edward Fichtner

People know Willliam Fichtner. They just don't know they know him. A compelling actor known for his strong supporting performances in film, William Fichtner started out as a soap heartthrob on CBS' "As the World Turns"; his unconventional looks (a strong boned face dominated by sad haunted eyes) contribute to his attractive intensity.

His early film appearances included a role in the little seen "Ramona" (1990) and a bit part as a police officer in "Malcolm X" (1992). "Quiz Show" (1994) offered more exposure in a minor role as the game show's stage manager. In 1995, he was featured in "Virtuosity", "Strange Days" and as a sleazy banker undone by Robert De Niro in "Heat". He gave a more significant, although less seen, performance in Steven Soderburgh's 1995 feature "The Underneath" as Tommy Dundee, an intimidating and unstable club owner who becomes a rival of Peter Gallagher's Michael Chambers. Fichtner's work as the jealous and powerful Dundee caught the attention of casting director David Rubin who recommended him to Kevin Spacey for "Albino Alligator", the actor's 1997 directorial debut.

While undoubtedly already a familiar presence on screen, due to his prolific and strong performances in small parts, it was "Albino Alligator" that proved to be his breakthrough role. Fichtner, riveting as a slurring sociopath who creates a hostage situation in a bar, played up the character's volatility with an intense performance that masterfully stopped short of overacting. Later that year his well-researched turn as Dr Kent Clark, a blind astronomer in "Contact" was also touted, although a good bit of it ended up on the cutting room floor.

While his work in that year's "SwitchBack" was less memorable, 1998's action blockbuster "Armageddon" saw him return with a strong supporting turn as the hard-nosed and disciplined leader of an asteroid destroying mission. Through his own research, Fichtner added a realistic element to his character, making Sharp less combustible than he was initially written. The result was a portrait of an Air Force colonel complete with the steadiness that would be expected from an actual pilot to reach that level.

In 1999, Fichtner gave an enjoyable and scene stealing comedic performance in Doug Liman's high-energy ensemble film "Go". The elder statesman of the cast, he played an undercover narcotics officer with an apparent personal interest in his cohorts (Jay Mohr and Scott Wolf). The actor reached leading man status with a 1999 performance opposite Demi Moore in "Passion of Mind", playing a New York accountant pursuing a book editor (Moore) in this story of a woman who discovers she has a second life in a parallel universe.

In 2001, in "The Perfect Storm" he plays a defiant macho fisherman turned hero with a heart who answers to George Clooney. As in all of his roles, his appearance changes yet again and his speech is even peppered with a New England accent. Also in 2001, in the otherwise forgettable "What's The Worst That Could Happen", Fichtner gave the best performance of all of the other well known comedians in the film, playing Detective Alex Tardio, the swishy, androgynous cop and the owner of three cheese cutting Bichon Frise canines.

Also in 2001, William starred in the film, "Black Hawk Down", where he played Sgt. 1st Class Jeff Sanderson. While it could have been difficult to recognize his character from the rest with all of the war dirt (look for the big white teeth that glow like two headlights), his work in this was outstanding. He trained for weeks in Fort Bragg with other actors in the film to prepare for realistic combat scenes and spent 12 weeks filming in Morocco.


Amaury Nolasco

Role: Fernando Sucre

Most Recent Role: Fernando Sucre on Prison Break

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Puerto Rico

Birthday: 12-24-1970

Birth Name: Amaury Nolasco Garrido

Amaury Nolasco studied Biology at the University or Puerto Rico.

Originally Amaury was going to attend medical school to become a doctor. He was approached by a director and appeared in a commercial.

After several minor appearances, Amaury moved to New York.

He attended the American-British-Dramatic-Arts School.

Later he began to guest-star on a few TV shows such as "CSI" and "ER".

He also had minor roles in a few films around that time. He had a small role in the Box-office hit "2Fast2Furious" as Orange Julius. Though he is probably more known now for his role on FOX TV show "Prison Break" as inmate "Fernando Sucre".

When not working, he lives in Los Angeles and enjoys playing golf and tennis


Rockmond Dunbar

Role: Benjamin "C-Note" Miles Franklin

Most Recent Role: Benjamin "C-Note" Miles Franklin on Prison Break

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Oakland, California

Birthday: 1-11-1973

Birth Name: Rockmond Dunbar

Rockmond Dunbar was born on January 11, 1974, in Oakland, California, and studied at Morehouse College and the University of New Mexico.

Rockmond made his film debut in 1998's "Misery Loves Company" and later had roles in "Punks" and "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang." He also made television guest appearances on "Felicity," "The Pretender" and "North Shore," but he is most famous for his roles as Kenny Chadway in "Soul Food" and as Benjamin Miles 'C-Note' Franklin on Fox's "Prison Break." Rockmond also directed, produced and starred as himself in the film "The Great Commission" in 2003.

Rockmond married Ivy Holmes on the 19th of September 2003 and they are still happily married.

As of January 2007, it's most likely that he is staying in Texas, since the second season of FOX TV show Prison Break is 'currently' being filmed there.


Dominic Purcell

Role: Lincoln Burrows

Most Recent Role: Lincoln Burrows on Prison Break

Gender: Male

Birthplace: London, England, UK

Birthday: 2-17-1970

Birth Name: Dominic Haakon Myrtvedt Purcell

Dominic was born in England but moved to Australia at the age of two with his Norweigan father and Irish mother.

He left high-school to form a land-scaping business with some friends, and also spent a little time surfing.

When he got tired of his job as a landscaper, Dominic decided to try his hand at acting, with television success in Australia.

At the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts, he was a classmate of Hugh Jackman.

In 2000, he won a green card lottery, and moved to the United States, living in Los Angeles for a few years.

After getting the title role in John Doe, he eventually moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with his wife Rebecca, and their two children, son Joseph and daughter Audrey.


Wade Williams

Role: Captain Brad Bellick

Most Recent Role: Captain Brad Bellick on Prison Break

Alias Name(s): Wade Andrew Williams, Wade Andrews Williams, Andrew

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Birth Name: Wade Andrew Williams

Wade and his three siblings were born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As a youth, Wade was very interested in drama and music which originated from the Church he went to.

When Wade graduated from high school, he started off studying medicine at the University of Tulsa but it wasn't long until he changed his career and earned a Bachelor’s degree in theatrical studies at University of Tulsa and later obtained a Master of Fine Arts in acting from Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts.

Wade currently lives in Dallas, Texas with his wife and daughter and is a big time actor in movies and TV. Wade is currently acting in the TV hit Prison Break


Peter Stormare

Role: John Abruzzi

Most Recent Role: John Abruzzi on Prison Break

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Arbr?, H?lsingland, Sweden

Birthday: 8-27-1953

Birth Name: Peter Rolf Stormare

Peter Stormare was born in Sweden on August 27th 1953.

He started his acting career at the Royal National Theater of Sweden under the direction of Ingmar Bergman. After his apperance in Hamlet in New York, he started getting movie roles in America.

His big screen apperances includes movies such as Fargo, Armageddon, Constantine, and the Lars VonTrier movie Dancer In The Dark. Peter is often cast as the villain in movies, and his characters is often European.

On the small screen he's appeared in productions like the TV movies Purgatory, No Man's Land and Seppan. He's also appeared in the TV series Swift Justice and Seinfeld.

In 1990, he became the associate artistic director of the Globe Theatre in Tokyo, Japan, where be both directed and appeared in a number of productions. He is currently living in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.


Wentworth Miller

Role: Michael Scofield

Most Recent Role: Michael Scofield on Prison Break

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Chipping Norton, Oxford, England

Birthday: 6-2-1972

Birth Name: Wentworth Miller III

London born-Brooklyn raised Miller is part African-American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese. He graduated Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, PA (Just outside Pittsburgh) in 1990 and went on to Princeton, where he traveled the world with the school's a capella group. After graduating Princeton with a degree in English literature, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the background of the entertainment industry, and later acting.

His acting career started with guest spots on TV, including Including roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Popular," and "ER," and a starring role in the ABC miniseries "Dinotopia." His first film role was in "The Human Stain," playing a young Anthony Hopkins. After that he landed supporting roles in "Underworld," "Stealth," "Joan of Arcadia," "Ghost Whisperer," and two Mariah Carey videos.

Miller was cast in "Prison Break" because his signature look and acting made him the perfect fit for the character, and later, the breakout star of the 2005 TV season.


Paul Adelstein

Role: Special Agent Paul Kellerman

Most Recent Role: Special Agent Paul Kellerman on Prison Break

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Birthday: 4-29-1969

Birth Name: Paul Adelstein

Paul Adelstein is an American television and film actor who at current(2007) plays agent Paul Kellerman in the hit TV series Prison Break.

Paul Adelstein attended Bowdoin College where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude with a degree in English.

He later came on to acting.

To date, he has made several acting appearances in TV shows such as, starting with the least recent working up to the most recent as of 2007: (starting from 1998 onwards): Cubid, Turks, E.R., Breaking News, Hack, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Lyon's Den, Without a Trace, Las Vegas, Medium, Harvey Birdman - Attorney at Law, Nobodys Watching and Scrubs.

He has also made appearences in a few movies, which include, starting with the least recent working up to the most recent as of 2007: (starting from 1990 onwards): The Griffers, Peoria Babylon, Bedazzled, Intolerable Cruelty, Lawrence Melm, Bandwagon, Collateral, Memoirs of a Geisha and Be Cool.

He is married to actress Liza Weil, who plays Paris Gellar on Gilmore Girls. They married in November 2006.

When not acting, Paul songwrites and fronts for his Los Angeles-based band, Doris.


Robin Tunney

Role: Veronica Donovan

Most Recent Role: Veronica Donovan on Prison Break

Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Birthday: 6-19-1972

Looking as though she hails from an Irish Spring commercial, green-eyed, dewy-skinned actress Robin Tunney became known in the 1990s for her work in a number of teen and independent films. A native of Chicago's South Side, where she attended Catholic high school, Tunney studied acting at the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. She spent her summers performing in such stage productions as Bus Stop and Agnes of God. At the age of 18, Tunney moved to Los Angeles, where she began finding work on various television shows.

The actress made her screen debut in the 1992 Brendan Fraser/Pauly Shore comedy Encino Man. She had her first lead role in the teen ensemble film Empire Records (1995), playing a suicidal record store employee who announces her presence in the film by walking into the store and shaving her head. A year later, Tunney starred as a member of a group of high school misfits who use witchcraft to take revenge on their tormenters in The Craft. Sort of a Sixteen Candles meets Carrie, the film proved to be a cult hit, particularly with teenage girls.

Tunney subsequently made her name in independent dramas and mainstream films alike, doing particularly strong work in Niagara Niagara, earning the Venice Film Festival's Volpi Cup for Best Actress, for her portrayal of a young woman with Tourette's Syndrome. In 1999, she entered into the realm of bloated budgets and equally bloated plot premises, starring as Satan's intended bride alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in End of Days. That same year, she played a 22nd century paramedic in Supernova, a sci-fi thriller that had her racing against time to escape from an exploding star.


Robert Knepper

Role: Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell

















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